It is strongly recommended to keep the list of phone numbers current and accurate at all times. If a phone number is no longer in use by your business, there are two methods to remove it: From the list of phone numbers, or as a batch file of all numbers to be removed. Removed phone numbers will no longer be registered to your business. However, if the removed numbers are branded, the numbers will remain branded.
Removing from the phone numbers lists
To remove a phone number or numbers from the phone numbers list:
- Select “Phone numbers” in the “Registration” section of the console.
- Click on the checkbox next to the phone number(s) you wish to remove. You may want to use the search features to help find the phone numbers.
- Once all are selected, click the “REMOVE NUMBERS” button.
Removing via file upload
To remove all phone numbers listed in a file:
- Select “Phone numbers” in the “Registration” section of the console.
- Click on “Remove via upload”.
- Drag and drop your properly-formatted list of phone numbers onto your browser window, or click “browse your computer” and choose the file containing the phone numbers.
- Provide a job name for this removal. It is strongly recommended to name this something that reflects the phone numbers included in the job for future reference.
- Click “Begin upload” to remove any phone numbers from the file.
The uploaded phone numbers file should contain each individual phone number on a separate line, with no additional data. If the file includes a header value (common for CSV files), it will be ignored. Any phone numbers in the file that are not already registered to the business will be ignored.